He Karakia

Te Tīmatanga

He inoinga ki te wairua tapu kia tukua mai tōna māramatanga ki runga kia tātou i tēnei wā. Ki te ingoa o te Matua, me te Tamaiti, me te Wairua Tapu.
Āmene .

Haere mai te wairua tapu, whakakīia te ngākau o ou tāngata whakapono, whakaūria i roto i a rātou te kāpura o tōu aroha.
Tonoa mai tōu wairua, a ka hanga houtia o mātou ngākau
Ka whakahoutia te mata o te whenua.
Kia inoi tātou
E te Atua nāu i whakamātau te ngākau o āu tāngata whakapono mā te māramatanga o te Wairua Tapu, homai kia matau mātou ki ngā mea tika, mā taua Wairua, a kia hari tonu mō te mārietanga e tuku mai ana e ia.
Mā Hēhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmene.

The Start

A prayer to the Holy Spirit so that it may bestow its blessings among us at this time.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Come the holy spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and enkindle in them the fire of your love.
Send forth your spirit and they shall be created.
And you will renew the face of the earth.
Let us pray
O God who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to release what is right and always to rejoice in his consolations.
Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

E tō mātou

E tā mātou mātua i te rangi kia whakatapua tōu ingoa. Tukua mai tōu rangatiratanga kia whakaritea tōu hiahia i te whenua pēnei me i te rangi.
Homai kia mātou āianei tō mātou taro o ngā rā katoa kia wareware koe ō mātou hara me mātou hoki e wareware ana i te hara o te hunga i kino kia mātou aua e tukua mātou ki te whakawainga otirā whakaorangia mātou i te kino. Āmene.

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as you forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.

Awe Meri

Awe Meri e kī ana i te keratia kei a koe te Ariki ko koe e whakapaingia ana i ngā wāhine a ka whakapaingia hoki a Hehu te hua o tōu kopu.

E Hata Meri te matua o te Atua inoi koe mō mātou he hunga hara āianei a i te hāora o tō mātou matenga rawa. Āmene.

Hail Mary

Hail Mary full of grace, the lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus.

Holy Mary mother of God
Pray for us sinners, now,
And at the hour of death. Amene.


Kororia ki te Matua, me te Tamaiti, me te Wairua Tapu.

Me i te tīmatanga anō kia pērā hoki āianei , ā kia pērā ake ake, ā i ngā tau mutunga kore āmene.

Glory Be

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

As it was in the beginning is now
And ever shall be, world without end. Āmene.

E Hēhu

E Hēhu whakakāhoretia o mātou hara, whakaorangia mātou i te kapura o te iweri. Ārahina ngā wairua katoa ki te rangi, otirā ngā wairua e tika ana kia tino atawhaitia. Jesus i trust in you.

Ko Te Inoinga o Hāto Perenara ki a Meri

Kia mahara koe e Mere Takakau pai rawa, kāhore anō i rangona, i ngā tau o mua iho kua mahuetia e koe te tahi o rātou i oma ki tōu kaha, i inoi ki te kaha i a koe mō rātou i karanga kia tahuri koe ki te whakaora i a rātou. Koia ahau i whakawhirinaki ai ki a koe e te Takakau o ngā Takakau e tō mātou Matua, e o oma mai nei, e haere mai nei, ki a koe, e tū nei ki tōu aroaro, e tangi nei ahau te tangata hara; aua koe whakakino ki āku kupu, e te matua o te kupu; ēngari whakarongo pai mai koe, ā, whakaae mai. Āmene.

Prayer of St. Bernard, the Memorare

Remember oh most Gracious Virgin Mary; that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your help, or sought your intercession, was left un-aided.

Inspired with his confidence, I fly to you, oh Virgin of Virgins. My Mother; to you do I come, before you I stand, sinful and sorrowful. Oh Mother of the word incarnate; despise not my petitions, but in your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

He Inoinga Ki Te Anahera Kaitiaki

E te Anahera o te Atua e tukua mai hei tiaki mōku, whakamāramatia ahau, tiakina, arahina mai tōu pāinga aianei, ā, whakaorangia i te hāora o tōku matenga rawa. Āmene.

E te Atua, haere mai koe, tirohia tēnei whare; peia ki tāwhiti ngā rore katoa o Hātana; kia noho o Hato Anahera ki roto hei tiaki i a mātou i te rangimārietanga, a kia noho tonu tōu atawhai ki runga ki a mātou. Mā Hehu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki. Āmene.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

Angel of God, sent to be my guardian, enlighten me, watch over me, lead me, through your goodness now, and save me at the hour of my death. Amen.

Oh God, come into this house and watch over it; drive far away all the traps of Satan; may your Holy Angels dwell here to watch over us in peace, and may your blessing always remain upon us. Through Christ our Lord Amen.

E Oma Ana Mātou

E oma ana mātou ki roto ki tōu pā e te hata matua o te Atua aua koe e whakakino ki ō mātou inoinga i ō mātou mate engari whakaorangia mātou ake ake i ngā mea mataku katoa e te Takakau i whakakororiatia a i whakapaingia. Āmene.

Ki te ingoa o te Matua, me te Tamaiti, me te Wairua Tapu. Āmene.

We fly

We fly to your protection, O holy Mother of God, despise not our prayers in our necessities, but deliver us from all evil, O glorious and blessed virgin.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Mai Ara Rā! (Nā Che Wilson)

Mai ara rā! Mai ara rā!
Mai ara rā te Tupua!
Mai ara rā te Tawhito!
Tēnei au
Tēnei au te rangahau ana, ki te ao, ki te pō
Kia Ranginui e tū iho nei,
Kia Papatūānuku e takoto ake nei.

Mai ara rā, mai whea ra tōku ahunga mai?
Tāhuri whakataumaha, huri whakamāmā
E te Kāhui Maungā ko wai ra koe?
Inā, Matua Te Mana te aunahi pīataata mātahi
Pikimai Rawea te kai-kukume ake matua whenua rō wai
Te rongo nei ia hīhī,
Te rongo nei ia hāhā me huka tātairango.
Tina, tina toko te manawa ora, he manawa ora!
Ko te Roi-a-Rangi mo Rua-te-Tipua
Ko te Roi-a-Rangi nō Nukuhau e
Te pātukituki ka tū whakahirahira Kāhui Maungā mā.
Ko toka pokohiwi ka hora maru tapu, e Ngā Turi-o-Murimotu
Te ahi kā o Paerangi i te Whare Toka
Te puta mai te Kāhui-o-Rangi, te Kāhui-a-Rua
Tōna hekenga mai i Te Wai-ā-Moe ki Paretetaitonga
Ko te ara hekenga, ko te ara hokinga mo ngā uri kōtuku
Ka tuku, ka tuku atu i ngā hau kaha ia Parakakariki, ia Mouwhakaarahia
Hei tohu, hei whakaatu ki te ao!
Whiti, whano, hara mai te toki!
Haumia! Hui e!
Taiki e!

Mai Ara Rā! (Che Wilson)

Let us return to our origins!
Returning to the time prior to common knowledge
Returning to the time of the ancient knowledge
Understanding the evolution of life
Absorbing the force of Father Universe
Absorbing the energy of Mother Earth
To truly understand who I am
Internalising this learning…
I now know who I am.
I am the first shiny scale of the Great Fish
I am the energy that turned the Fish to Land
Warmth embraced
Cold embraced, I am the blanket of snow
I am the pulse of the Great Fish
I am the tears of the heavens for Rua-te-Tipua
I am the tears of the heavens from Nukuhau
Divine connection, I embody the Mountain Clan
Anointed as custodian of life, as window to the spirit world
I am Ngā Turi o Murimotu.
The fire from the House of Stone of Paerangi, I am
The genesis of the Sky Clan, I am
The genesis of the River Clan, I am
Emanating from out of Te Wai-ā-Moe
The alpha, I am. The omega, I am
The upper winds, I am
The lower winds, I am
This is my declaration!
A declaration sanctified by stone
Let us unite as one
Unite in conscious thought!

Whakarongo Mai (Nā Che Wilson)

Whakarongo Mai
Whakarongo Mai
Whakarongo mai ki te ia tipua
Whakarongo mai ki te ia tāwhito
Whakarongo mai ki te ao o Tāne
Ko te ao tēnei
I ahu mai i te pupuke,
I ahu mai i te hihiri,
I ahu mai i te māhara.
Tēnei te aro mai i tōu hā
Tēnā te aro atu i tōku hā
Ko te hā nō whea ko te hā nā Tāne
Ko te hā nō whea ko te hā nō Rongo
Ko Rongo ki te whakatipua
Ko Rongo ki te whakatāwhito
Ko Rongi ki te maimai aroha he aroha

Whakapukepuke - Nā Moe Ruka

Whakapukepuke ai ngā ngaru o te moana,
E kai nei te aroha ki āku tau whakaingona,
E kōripo ngā hau ki runga ki ngā hiwi,
He hau-pāpaki-roa ka māro i te whenua.
He aroha, te aroha whakatinanatia!
Ngā kupu tohutohu i waihotia iho,
Hei whakahoehoe i te motu nei eei

Ki kō - Nā Te Māreikura

Ki kō, ki kō, ki kō, tirohia kei whea te taunga o te Tiwaitori
Parepare mai rā koe e te Tīwaiwaka i te paepae o te tautara
E nono tītaka te tau i te mauri.
Kataina mai rā e te Kōkako, koaka, koaka
Kia whakataukī te manu Tui, tuia, tuia, i te puaotanga
Kia whakapurua ki te remu o te Huia.
Ka whakarongo ki te tangi a te Kawekawea,
Kawea mai ra i te tōmatomatotanga o te tōmairangi
E rongo koe i te Pāwharauroa.
Kui! Kui! Whitiwhiti ora!
Kia whakapainga ki te Manu Tāwhiorangi, Ka puta, ka ora na ii!

Ka haere ngā weri

Ka haere ngā weri
Rirena ki te rangi hei aha, hei ara
He Manu Kōrihi nō te tau
Kia kōtiri mai ai ki runga
I te taupata
Aha ōtaina ki runga i te waka-pā hau
Ka hoe ai te moana wāhia, aha wāhia.
E te iwi e!
Purutia tā mana
Kia mau kia ita, aha ita, ita, mau tonu!

Ko te rite - Nā Moe Ruka

Ko te rite i ahau
Te whetū o te ata Hei
Hei taki ki te Kaiwhakaora e.
Ka tuhi tātau
Ki te tuhi o te rangi,
Ki te tuhi o te aroha e te iwi
Ki te tuhi o te maungārongo.
E rua nei hāku ringa
E mau nei i ahau
Ko tahi hei tahu i te puihera,
Ko tahi hei hapahapai ake.

E noho nei au

E noho nei au i te tau o Te Pae-ki-Aurora
Te whakarongo nei ki te tangi a te moana
Mehe Wharauroa e tangi haere ana?
Tūpararā te maru o te tangata!
Ka whakahokia atu ki te pūreireitanga
Ka huri mai ai, ka tangi haere i uta.
Auē ! Auē !
Tuhaehae atu taku manu kōrero. Purutia i muri nei ko te pua o te kupu, Paiheretia ki te hono o te Mea Ngaro Ake, ake, kei ngaro i te ao ē hei!

Auē te Aroha (Nā Moe Ruka)

Auē te aroha i ahau,
Auē e te iwi e
E te iwi Māori puritia kia mau,
Utaina ki runga i te waka o te ora
Ka hoe ai ki te tauranga.

Ko te kupu a te Kaiwhakaora,
Ā Hehu tino aroha
Wetewetekia atu ngā ururua
E te hunga e mamae ana
Ka aru mai ai i ahau.

E te iwi whakarongo ake rā,
Ki te reo e karanga mai nei
Whāia kia mau te kotahitanga
He mea paihere nā te rangimārie
Kia mau ai te Rongopai.

Oh the Love (Moe Ruka)

Oh the love I have
For you my people
Hold fast to your beliefs
And bring them forward into a new life
So that we can seek all that is bountiful.

This is the word of the Creator,
The loving Jesus:
‘Cast away all that is bad
So that those once deprived
Can now follow me’.

Listen you my people
To the calling:
‘Pursue the unity of the spirit
And combine it with peace
So that the Good News reigns’.

Haka Pōhiri

Ripiripia, haehaea!
Ripiripia, haehaea!
Paranitia te ūpoko
Te ngārara kai-tangata, ue ha!
He aha te tohu o te ringaringa
He kawakawa!
Tuku ki raro ki a hope
He korokio
Ko te whakatau o te mate
Ue hā, ue hā

Mō Maria

Mō Maria aianei
o tātou waiata.
Kia kaha rā tātou,
Kia nui te aroha

Tēnā hoki ngā anahera
e whakahōnore ana
ki te rātou Kuini
ki a Maria anō rā.

For Mary

For Mary now
our songs.
Let us be strong,
Let there be great love

There also the angels
giving honour
to their queen
to Mary.

He Hōnore

He hōnore, he korōria
Maungārongo ki te whenua
Whakaaropai e
Ki ngā tāngata katoa
Ake ake, ake ake
Te Atua, te piringa,
Toku oranga


Honour, glory and
peace to the land
May good thoughts come
to all men
for ever and ever, for ever and ever.
The Lord is the refuge
and my life.

I roto i te tohu

I roto i te tohu o te hē
O nga whakawaitanga
Ka toro mai te ringa o te Ariki
Ka hotu ake te manawa

He tohu, he tohu wairua
Tiaho mai ra nga whetu
He aha rawa ra kua puawaitia
Te tohu o te Arikinui

Shackled by a Heavy Burden

Inside the guidance of evil and of temptation, the Lord’s hand reaches out to me and my heart cries.

Spirit give me guidance, stars shine on me. Give me guidance of the Lord that once used to bloom.

Te Wai o Whanganui

Te Wai o Whanganui,
E heke atu rā,
E tere atu nei,
Te moana e!

Te wai tuku kiri
O te iwi kua ngaro,
E pakangatia nei,
E mātou e.

I haere mai rā koe,
I runga o Tongariro,
I te maunga huka rā
E rere nei e!

E te iwi o Whanganui,
Pupuia tātou,
Kia kotahi te reo,
Kia oti ai e!

The River of Whanganui

That rapidly descends,
The river of Wanganui,
And gaily wends its way,
To the ocean deep;

The one time bathing waters,
Of our elders now departed,
For which we’ll always fight.
Unto the end.

From Mt. Tongariro,
Did thou originate,
A snow-capped mountain,
From whence ye came:

Ye tribes of Wanganui,
Let us with one accord,
Unite, and with one voice
Proclaim, ‘tis the end!